ERIS President Carol Le Noury elected to the Board of the Canadian Brownfields Network

June 11, 2020 (Toronto, Canada) — The Canadian Brownfields Network (CBN) is pleased to announce the election of its new Board of Directors for the coming 2020-2021 period. The Board will now include Carol Le Noury, President of ERIS – Environmental Risk Information Services.
Since 2005, Ms. Le Noury has devised, determined and directed ERIS’ strategic vision through its day-to-day operations. Ms. Le Noury led and substantially grew ERIS revenue and profits, winning the Glacier Media President’s Award and Business Builder Awards multiple times. In 2013, Ms. Le Noury led the successful launch of ERIS in the United States and has been President of both the Canadian and US entities since January 2016. Prior to 2013, Ms. Le Noury also started and expanded the Environment and Events Group, managed Solid Waste & Recycling and HazMat Management magazines, as well as Ecolog Legislative Publications, while at Glacier Media’s Business Information Group.
In her role as a CBN Board member, she will utilize her vast experience to help guide the organization as it navigates the challenges of these times affected by COVID-19.
“I am enthused and honored to be a Board member of the CBN. The organization has grown and developed greatly over the past 15 years and I look forward to participating and contributing to furthering the organization’s success,” says Le Noury about her role.
The new slate of Directors was unanimously approved at the CBN’s Annual General Meeting held on June 11, 2020. Joining the CBN Board of Directors for the 2020-2022 terms are:
- Carol Le Noury, President – ERIS, Environmental Risk Information Services
- Carl Spensieri, Vice-President, Environment – Berkeley Insurance Canada
- Peter Sutton, Vice-President, Environment – Terrapex
- Reanne Ridsdale, PhD Candidate – Ryerson University
Returning for another term on the Board of Directors are:
- Krista Barfoot – Stantec Consulting
- Monisha Nandi – Kilmer Brownfields
- Rob Hoffman – Canadian Fuels Association
Active board members serving the second year of their two-year terms are:
- Christopher De Sousa – Ryerson University (President of the Board)
- D. Grant Walsom – XCG Consulting Limited (Past President)
- Meggen Janes – Waterfront Toronto (Vice-President)
- John Georgakopoulos – Willms & Shier Environmental Lawyers (Vice-President)
- Evelyn Bostwick – Stantec Consulting (Halifax)
- Berend Jan Velderman – Geosyntec Consultants
- Andrew Macklin – Actual Media
The CBN wishes to thank the following volunteers for their many years of service who are retiring from the CBN Board in 2020:
- David Harper – Kilmer Brownfields
- George Boire – Marsh Insurance
- Kevin Miyauchi – Miya Consulting
Says CBN Past President, XCG Consulting Ltd.’s D. Grant Walsom, B.A.Sc., P.Eng., QP, “The CBN thanks these three individuals for their continued support and combined over 25 years on the CBN Board. Their contributions have made CBN a successful and thriving network of brownfield practitioners. We look forward to their continued contributions as Advisors and CBN members.”
The Canadian Brownfields Network (CBN) is Canada’s only national voice advocating for brownfields as the preferred land development solution.
ERIS – Environmental Risk Information Services is Canada’s national provider of environmental data records for properties as well as, a one-stop-shop for a breadth of environmental due diligence products including, aerial photographs, fire insurance maps, site plans, topographic maps and physical setting reports.
ERIS – Environmental Risk Information Services
Brian Eastcott, Director, Marketing
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 416.510.6771
TF: 1.866.517.5204 x43722
Canadian Brownfields Network (CBN)
Grant Walsom, Past President
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 416.491.2886
TF: 1.800.208.9398