What can you do with Figure Creator?
Within Xplorer, click on the Figure Creator tool, and crop, annotate, title, and sort your images. Create perfect figures easily using your historical imagery, maps, site plans, and photos. Customize and save, then generate your figures and photo logs.
Our recent enhancements give you even more flexibility and control. You can:
> Brand your images. Choose from built-in templates and upload your company logo to customize your photos and report imagery to create figures and appendices.
> Use any image from the project as a figure, such as fire insurance maps, aerial photos, and topographic maps.
> Customize any figure by adding data layers, boundaries, drawings/symbols and annotations – whatever you need to make the right things stand out. Add titles and comments to your photos.
> Seamlessly integrate the photos captured on-site via ERIS Mobile (or upload your own), so they become part of your appendices.
> Rotate and sort your photos based on either the description or the uploaded date/time. You can also edit photo comments. This applies to photos you have captured on the ERIS Mobile App or uploaded from another device.
> Upload spatial files (KMZ/KML) and layer your project’s custom attributes with the site map to create figures.
Ready to put your appendix together? Xplorer has several built-in templates that you can brand with your company logo and then incorporate your customized figures and photo logs.