Environmental justice has been a major priority for the Biden administration. During his first week in office, President Biden issued an executive order establishing the Justice40 Initiative...
ERIS Originals
New Jersey’s EJ Law Signals Wave of Policy Changes That Will Impact Our Industry
New Jersey’s Landmark Environmental Justice Legislation, Biden Agenda Set the Stage for a Sea Change.
Episode 12 – Environmental Justice Policy Updates: What Environmental Professionals Need to Know
Join Mary Ann Grena Manley, Founder and President of 15E Communications, and guest Matthew Karmel, Chair of the Environmental and Sustainability Law Group of Offit Kurman, for a conversation about recent policy and regulatory developments in environmental justice and practical impacts for environmental professionals.
Episode 7- Spotlight on New Jersey’s Environmental Justice Law – What it Means for Our Industry
EJ has become a force of change in our industry with major implications for developers and investors. Our latest Podcast Episode explains the nuts and bolts of the new law, what industries it will impact, and its broader implications for businesses and projects nationwide.