Hear perspectives from the industry's leading authorities on property due diligence.
Beyond the Cloud: Assessing the Impact of Data Center Expansion on Resources and Communities
Data centers are expanding quickly, driven by AI and cloud demand. Northern Virginia leads this growth but faces challenges with energy use, land consumption, and zoning conflicts with residential areas.
Environmental justice has been a major priority for the Biden administration. During his first week in office, President Biden issued an executive order establishing the Justice40 Initiative...
Are you prepared for the transition? Upgrading to ASTM E1527-21 for Phase I Site Assessments
In December 2022, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) amended its All Appropriate Inquiries (AAI) rule to reference ASTM International’s updated Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) standard, E1527-21.
Environmental Practice Redefined: Harnessing the Power of Emerging Technology
The evolving technology landscape is transforming the everyday practices of environmental and business professionals with accelerating impact. In the environmental due diligence space, drones have transformed site inspections and compliance monitoring.
Spotlight On ASTM’s Committee E50: A Conversation with Tim Haley
ASTM’s Committee E50 on Environmental Assessment, Risk Management, and Corrective Action develops important voluntary industry standards and best practices that play a critical role in commercial real estate transactions and pollution prevention. ERIS sat down with committee chair...
PFAS UPDATE: Key Strategies for Navigating Environmental Due Diligence
PFAS can be a game changer in commercial real estate transactions. As evolving policies expand the scope of potential liabilities and cleanup costs, environmental professionals must consider what steps they can take to address, mitigate, and manage PFAS-related risks at potentially impacted properties.
HISTORIC INFRASTRUCTURE FUNDING YIELDS Extensive Opportunities for Remediation and Redevelopment
Billions of dollars are earmarked for environmental cleanup and related redevelopment projects.
ASTM’s Standard Guide For Property Resilience Assessments Of Buildings
Climate risk considerations have taken center stage in commercial real estate. ERIS met with the chair of the new ASTM task group focused on standardizing property resilience assessments to discuss the committee’s work and what the new guide means for...
Cannabis and CRE: Exploring Environmental Compliance and Due Diligence
The proliferation of the legal production and sale of cannabis throughout the U.S. has led to tremendous growth of the industry in a relatively short period of time.
Adaptive Reuse: Reimagining the Commercial Real Estate Ecosystem
In the wake of the global pandemic, we have seen an undeniable acceleration of existing work-life, geographic, and demographic trends.
Already the most common natural disaster in the United States, climate-related flooding is increasing, even where floods previously were rare.