As you may be aware, ERIS Information Inc. was recently sued by the Sanborn Library LLC, for copyright infringement.
Sanborn is claiming that our use of our fire insurance maps somehow infringes Sanborn’s rights.
Sanborn is wrong. ERIS strongly denies the accusations and intends to vigorously defend against them.
In so doing, ERIS will not litigate this dispute in the marketplace, or in any other “court of public opinion.”
Rather, ERIS will resolve this dispute in a court of law—where we fully expect our position to be vindicated.
Our clients can rest assured that, as always, ERIS stands behind its products and its services, and that neither of them will be affected one bit by this distraction.
We would like to thank our valued clients for their business, their understanding and their loyalty.
Enquiries should be directed to our President, Carol Le Noury.